Hope is not a strategy - Coach Greatness

Super Star Individual Contributor to Rocking People Manager

You want to promote that talented individual on your team to become a people manager. Perhaps you are considering the transition from working independently to managing a team, potentially even your colleagues.

Are you prepared for this change? It’s too risky to wing it!

Not only is your career riding this, but the livelihood of those you’re now accountable for.

Accountable for their performance, success and impact.

No pressure, right?? You can do it, I can help.

I’ve personally made this transition and in doing so, overcome the unique challenges that come with stepping into a people management position.

I am here to help you navigate with confidence.

I’m passionate about creating radically candid, inclusive, and truly impactful and autonomous managers and teams.

That doesn’t happen with chance.

It takes intention, mentorship, coaching, understanding risks and guardrails and leaning into skills and tactics that are vastly different from that of an individual contributor.

Reach out to discover how I can help you gain the tools and insights needed to excel in your management role while maintaining your authenticity.

Resources forthcoming! Subscribe to stay connected.

  • Onboarding with purpose - explore templates & samples

  • Highly recommended reads - peruse my bookshelf

  • Plan your 1:1s - templates and reco’s (hint- these aren’t for you)

    Ready to get started? Book a call!


Un-complicating Employee Tools