Product Management Priming

Hopefully, you’ve landed here because you are a founder or leader in a startup ready to mature your product or team impact.

OR you are a leader in an established organization and have realized you have a skills gap with effective prioritization of efforts, clear direction, value of the product delivery….

Congrats! Sounds like you’ve decided that you could use the skills of a product manager.

Before you hire that product manager (and perhaps you’ve also been delayed in finding the “ideal” candidate?) please consider product management priming.

In short, with “priming” I’m referring to helping a team, unfamiliar or inexperienced with working with a product manager or being “Product led”, lean into the frameworks, systems and approach that make up this rigor.

By helping your team(s) level up and establish a foundation of operating with clear understanding of prioritization techniques, user-related research (journey maps, experience reviews, focus groups, etc) & more, your environment can become ready to welcome a product manager and help them hit the ground running- with far less churn/ lead time and helping ensure greater satisfaction.

Scroll for an Overview of this Process*

*Generally speaking - each team and org may need something different -a thoughtful assessment & personalized recommendations and roadmap will be key.


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